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March 27, 2022


See what it takes to migrate from Genesys PureConnect to Genesys Cloud 

As a company, we’ve been dedicated to the fabulously evolving contact center world for many years. individually, many of us here at Inoria have been in and around contact centers and contact center technologies for many more years – some of us more than 20+ years. Safe to say, we’ve seen the industry change and evolve. As our president likes to say, it’s “rock and roll”.

Written by

Philippe Huard

Inoria philippe huard
Migration Genesys Cloud

Inoria is a certified Genesys partner having helped 80+ companies purchase, implement, integrate, maintain and support their Genesys solutions. In recent years, many of these contact center organizations have opted to migrate their on-premises platform to a more flexible and scalable cloud solution that delivers seamless remote capabilities – a highly valued functionality as of late, for sure!

So, we thought we’d take you behind the scenes and share an insider’s look into the process behind how one large insurance institution transitioning from Genesys PureConnect to Genesys Cloud.

Here we go.

A Genesys Cloud Migration Story

With 300 agents happily using the Genesys PureConnect platform to manage their inbound and outbound operations, senior management of this insurance company was ready to adopt digital transformation to support their growing contact center requirements and to better respond to customer demands and market needs.

The need for an omnichannel solution such as Genesys Cloud was critical as they wanted a seamless tool that connects all their channels delivering advanced flexibility and scalability. The world’s leading public cloud contact center platform, Genesys Cloud is an all-in-one solution designed to empower agents, boost revenue, and enhance the customer experience. Genesys Cloud also delivers:

Unified customer and agent experiences across phone, email, chat, text and social channels

  1. New capabilities that can be switched on and off as needed
  2. Adjust and scale depending on demand
  3. Gain new features automatically
  4. Turn-key, accelerated cloud deployment
  5. Faster, smarter, more personalized experiences

Perhaps even more importantly, they wanted to resolve two major challenges.


In today’s environment, security is top priority. Every company must prioritize the security of their applications, network and operations as a whole. For this specific company, a key objective to transitioning to the cloud was the enhanced protection of their highly sensitive customer and internal data.

Our expertise in contact center technologies and deep knowledge of Genesys Cloud allowed us to develop a migration roadmap that addressed all their security concerns. With Genesys Cloud’s built-in security, resilience and compliance that meets and exceeds modern security standards with external penetration testing, attack defence automation, and encryption, their customer and business data will remain private with resolute cloud security, 24/7.


Even before the pandemic and the work from home mandates, the workforce environment was already moving towards more remote work, more hybrid options. And with agents working across different locations and across different offices, work from home posed a technological challenge for their agents who struggled to maintain a seamless experience that over time could impact customer service and the customer experience.

Trusted, reputable certified Genesys partner

As a long-time partner, they turned to us once again to provide a value-based turnkey solution that encompassed everything they need to get up and running with their new system – taking their unique environment, preferences and business rules into consideration.

Acting as their advocate on their cloud migration journey, our Inoria team guided the modernization, transformation, and technological architecture of their contact center operations, ensuring these key customer requests were supported:

  • Data, day-to-day operations or long-term activities would NOT be affected by the migration
  • The development of a detailed training plan for IT managers, contact center supervisors and customer service representatives that would ensure the smooth transition of operations


The Inoria cloud migration methodology

As with all migration projects, adapting to the customer’s unique environment and their individual requirements is paramount. Working in collaboration with the customer, our Inoria team set to implement our proven cloud migration methodology respecting their insurance industry requirements and adapted to the specifics within the company.

Here’s the Inoria Cloud Migration Methodology adapted for this project:

Phase 1: Assessment. Information Gathering

Every successful implementation starts with information gathering. It goes without saying – this step is critical. A comprehensive contact center assessment is performed with all required data is collected and validated in an effort to uncover potential challenges and to get an accurate assessment of their situation before an optimal plan is deployed. Information collected will also be used to plan the project in collaboration with our customer.

Phase 2: Plan. Create the project plan

With all the data in hand, our team creates a detailed project plan and implementation strategy. This step will involve careful analysis of the customer’s contact center environment that includes their contact center infrastructure and business requirements.

Inoria and customer Project Managers take center stage as they prepare and agree on the following key aspects of the cloud migration plan:

  1. Final solution to be developed
  2. Deployment schedules
  3. Risk management plan
  4. Change requests
  5. Communication plan

Based on the above-detailed elements, our team then prepares the project plan to be approved by the customer. Roles and responsibilities will also be defined to respect deployment planning.

Phase 3: Execution. Project Launch

The cloud migration project really takes shape at the kick-off meeting where project objectives, milestones, timeline, roles and responsibilities are presented. The next steps and actions to be taken are also discussed.

All implementation tasks and activities are planned and executed in collaboration with the customer. Regular status meetings are held to ensure everyone and everything is on track.

And with that, the project is underway!

Phase 4: Execution. Deployment

Throughout the deployment phase, working in collaboration with the customer’s team, we closely monitor:

  1. The schedule and adjust as required
  2. Risk management plan
  3. Change requests
  4. Problem-solving management
  5. Execution of the plan
  6. Meeting coordination
  7. Approval of the deliverable by the customer

Each step ensures that the cloud contact center solution is successfully migrated, meeting all requirements and expectations.

Phase 5: Training and Knowledge Transfer

Training and knowledge transfer are one of the important pillars of change management that ensures that the contact center operations team can become self-sufficient and proficient with their new cloud platform. Training is provided for each type of user the customer requested. Also included is a procedures manual that documents everything related to the solution configuration. enter operations.

Phase 6: Transition

At the end of the cloud migration deployment, working with our customer, we review the project plan to ensure that all objectives set at the beginning of the project are on track and on target.

Phase 7: Support

The insurance company has now successfully transitioned from an on-premises solution to an omnichannel cloud contact center solution!

But our work does not stop once the project is live. Actually, we never stop working to support our clients as they transition to a new platform. In the weeks following the go-live, we closely monitor and follow up on any issues encountered by users. Communication is key, so we work in cohort with select company representatives to facilitate continued dialogue and provide access to implementation and change management support as required.

Our team remains on standby to support any post-migration needs that may arise.


Migrating to the cloud – it’s a collaborative effort

Today, our insurance industry customer is happily enjoying the benefits their Genesys Cloud platform delivers to their agents, managers and contact center operations. From kickoff to the successful go-live, our Inoria team delivered 2600 work hours within four (4) months, which includes:

  1. Daily scrums between Inoria’s PM and the customer’s PM
  2. Steering committee meetings: 6+
  3. Created and delivered: 30+ training sessions in 10 days
  4. Call flows developed: 65+ call flows
  5. Screen Pops: around 10
  6. One customized development of Secure Pause to adapt to the customer’s needs

When it comes to implementing contact center solutions, making the switch to the cloud can seem daunting. As you can see, it’s important to have an established, well-documented project plan in place when migrating to the cloud. Inoria has the experience and expertise to help make your migration a seamless success.

With Inoria by your side, the process is smooth and straightforward. We take care of everything from information gathering and planning to execution and training, ensuring a successful migration every time.

Learn how we can help. Contact us today for more information.

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