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January 15, 2022


Ready when you are

2021 taught us a lot of things. Like we don’t need that much toilet paper. Baking bread from scratch isn’t that hard. Daily life carries on, even if it’s virtual.

It also shined a light on everyday companies delivering exceptional customer experiences that extend beyond being a good corporate citizen, to being a human citizen. Local grocers offering free deliveries and curb-side pickups. Contact centers extending service hours and providing customer self-service options.

Companies that fail to support their client community, fail to succeed.

Written by

Joe Bigio

Joe Bigio Co-Founder & EVP · Inoria
Contact Center Support and Partner Inoria

During the current crisis, businesses have worked faster and better than they dreamed possible just a few months ago. Maintaining that sense of possibility will be an enduring source of competitive advantage



The Partner Experience

It’s easy to be a good partner when times are good. But a true partner is defined when times are tough, like say during the pandemic, or when your company is in crisis.

Over the past 14 months, our support team double down on ensuring that all our contact center clients were in a solid position to weather through the pandemic. From reviewing continuity plans, providing services and solutions that enable remote capabilities, to increasing our support options as needed, our team remained committed to delivering support services that focus on the human experience.

As we move through 2022, the ramifications of the pandemic will continue to drive how customer service is delivered, as customer expectations have also evolved. For customer centric companies, this means reimagining core business models, implementing continuity plans and using technology to drive innovation.

One thing that hasn’t changed, is aligning yourself with people who share in your goals and in your success. Because the best way to strengthen human connections is through a strong partner connection that supports your current efforts and helps guide your future challenges.

Not Everyone is ready for the cloud, and that’s OK!

Like you, we’re so done with 2021. According to Redbook, the top words in 2021 include:

  • Zoom
  • Essential
  • Virus
  • Social Distance
  • Remote

If we could add one more, it would be:

  • Cloud

It can feel lonely and maybe a little scary when everyone’s moving to the cloud – everyone, except for you. Tech companies can compound the sense of urgency by focusing all their efforts on their cloud offerings and downplaying their tried and true on-prem applications. Sometimes, so much so, it’s almost like they never existed!

Perception and reality are two different things. Kinda like what your real life looks like, versus what your Instagram account looks like. Am I right? ?

It’s true. Thanks to cloud applications and remote capabilities, contact center organizations were able to maintain operations under very trying times. But what if you’re simply not ready to transition to a cloud contact center solution?

Support your current solution until cloud-ready

Truth be told, we know that contact center organizations will need to eventually transition to a cloud solution sometime in the future (or risk being stuck with an obsolete on-premises solution). We’re committed to supporting your solution, and specifically your Genesys PureConnect solution today, and help you transition to the cloud when the time comes. No pressure.

Just continued, unparalleled support from our experienced Genesys team.

Whatever your situation, you can count on our full-service, in-house Genesys know-how to optimize your contact center operations. With 30+ years experience, we’ve worked with companies across North America helping them achieve their goals, enhance customer interactions and boost agent performance. Plus, our reputation is based on our Genesys expertise. All your needs in one place, guiding your activities throughout the journey.


“Over the years, contact center organizations have turned to us for our experience and humanized approach to support. Our foundational core is built on our industry expertise and the Genesys platform. Our solutions and services were intentionally designed to support PureConnect users and continue to develop as market and customer demand evolve.”
Joe Bigio, Co-Founder & EVP, Inoria

What does good customer service look like?

89% of companies now expect to compete mostly on the basis of customer experience

– Gartner Research


There was a time when price was the determining factor when it came to selecting a company to work with. Yes, there were other elements in the mix, but price played a key role in decision-making. Today, customer experience is often seen as a seminal driver for not only obtaining new customers, but also maintaining current customers. So, it does seem counter productive that many large-scale corporations outsource their customer support functions to shadow service organizations that don’t often give you the warm and fuzzies.

We take a different approach.

“We have the best of both worlds. We count on Inoria to complement and enhance our internal expertise. They understand our environment and always give each of our requests their personal attention. They truly care about our success. We value this, above all else.”
– Cornerstone United


We believe that a company is measured by its people and the customer experiences they deliver. We have designed a customer-centric culture that instills a more personable and human approach to delivering support services that facilitate a lasting relationship. And though you may have a unique definition of what good service entails, our customer service philosophy ensures that we always deliver the best customer service experience, each and every time.

  1. Support agents must have deep solution expertise and industry knowledge
  2. Clients should receive agile and timely service
  3. We listen, share and adapt at all times
  4. We aim to deliver personable and empathetic service
  5. Improve, improve, improve at all times

Optimal performance with flexible customer care options

Every company has a unique environment with different needs.

That’s why we offer Gold, Platinum or Diamond support packages so you can select the flexible, bundled customer care, maintenance and support options that best fit your contact center environment. From new version updates and system monitoring to migration and technical support, you’ll always operate at your best.

Backed by certified and experienced solution experts, we can provide guided assistance in improving operational efficiency, providing personalized service management, and optimizing your omnichannel communications.

That’s the different working with a partner makes. We are your trusted advisor.

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