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June 16, 2023


Leverage agent input for greater engagement in the contact center

The success of a contact center relies heavily on the engagement and satisfaction of its agents. Engaged agents not only deliver exceptional customer experiences but also contribute to improved performance and a healthier work environment. One effective way to boost agent engagement is by leveraging their input and involving them in decision-making processes.

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Valoriser la contribution des agents pour favoriser l'engagement dans le centre de contact

Let’s explore the benefits of involving agents, strategies to gather and utilize their input, and the positive impact it can have on overall contact center success.

Recognize the value of agent input

Agents possess valuable insights and frontline experience that can contribute to process improvements and customer-centric strategies. By involving agents in decision-making, their sense of ownership, empowerment, and engagement is enhanced. When agents feel that their opinions and suggestions are considered and implemented, they feel more valued and motivated to perform at their best.

Create a culture of collaboration

Creating a culture of collaboration is important for leveraging agent input. By establishing open lines of communication, contact centers can encourage agents to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Fostering a culture that values collaboration, teamwork, and continuous improvement creates an environment where agents feel encouraged and supported in contributing their unique perspectives and knowledge to enhance overall operations.

Empower agents through decision-making

Empowering agents through decision-making is a powerful way to engage them. By involving agents in the decision-making process related to their work environment, scheduling, and process improvements, they feel a greater sense of ownership and responsibility. Providing opportunities for agents to participate in cross-functional teams or committees focused on driving change further empowers them and demonstrates that their input is valued.

Gather agent input

To gather valuable agent insights, conduct regular feedback sessions in a safe and open environment for agents to express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. Utilizing surveys or suggestion boxes can also be effective for gathering anonymous feedback, allowing agents to provide input on specific issues or improvement opportunities without fear of judgment. By ensuring anonymity, contact centers foster trust and openness, enabling agents to share their honest opinions and contribute to continuous process and practice improvement. Implementing channels for ongoing communication, such as dedicated email addresses or digital platforms, further encourages agents to share their thoughts and ideas.

Act on agent input

Acting on agent input is an important way to maintain agent engagement and trust. Reviewing and analyzing the input received from agents allows contact centers to identify common themes or areas for improvement. Prioritizing actionable suggestions and developing plans for implementation show agents that their input is taken seriously. Communicating transparently with agents about the actions taken based on their input demonstrates the impact their contributions have on the contact center.

Recognize and reward agent contributions

Recognizing and rewarding agent contributions further enhances agent engagement. Acknowledging and appreciating agents for their valuable input and suggestions creates a positive work environment. Implementing recognition programs that highlight agents who contribute innovative ideas or process improvements and celebrating successes help foster a culture of appreciation and motivation.


Support and uplift the people behind your contact center

Leveraging agent input is a powerful strategy to enhance agent engagement and drive positive outcomes in the contact center. By recognizing the value of their insights, creating a collaborative culture, actively gathering and utilizing their input, empowering them through decision-making, and recognizing their contributions, contact centers can foster a more engaged and motivated workforce.

The result is improved agent satisfaction, increased productivity, and ultimately, better customer experiences. By harnessing the collective wisdom and frontline experience of agents, contact centers can create a thriving environment that benefits both agents and customers alike.

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